image003Senior Vice-President

Larry has been accepted as an expert witness on business conduct and registration issues in several provinces in civil and regulatory proceedings.  He is also a regular speaker at conventions and seminars on business conduct, anti-money laundering compliance and other regulatory issues.

Telephone: 416.644.6590

Mobile: 647.204.7076


“Larry’s knowledge of the industry, its regulations, and his ability to offer a pragmatic solution to regulatory issues is well known. I would recommend him highly.

Michael Sharpe, former Senior Vice-President, General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer , Richardson Partners Financial Limited

“In my opinion, Larry has personified the ideal regulator, a balance between the need for strong regulation and a practical business acumen that can actually deliver a resolution to issues. Larry possesses keen instincts at interpreting the rules; not just the words, but the actual intent of the rule and the knowledge to deliver a realistic approach to meeting regulatory expectations.”

Patrick B. McNenly, Managing Director, Compliance, Macquarie Capital Markets Canada Ltd.